Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Life After A Meningioma Brain Tumor - 6 Years On!

Life Is Worth Living! Check out my beautiful visitors while I was living on the paradise island of Magnetic. These two and their friends visited daily and their favourite nibble was green grapes.

So I left that lovely island to return home to my lovely island of Cyprus where it is hot, hot, hot.

Having just spent a lovely 6 months living on a paradise island in Queensland I truly appreciate the sayings 'Life is for living' and 'Live life to the full because this is not a rehearsal'.

Loved it, Loved it, Love it!

Now back home in Cyprus where the sun is still shining and life is on a go slow because of the heat - suits me just fine!

Enjoy summer everyone!

If you want to read more about my experience with meningioma symptoms, diagnosis and surgery, pick my book up at:

I promise it is a light read and will hopefully offer some encouragement and calm to many of you that may have recently been diagnosed.


Anonymous said...

Lynda, congrats on your survival! It makes me happy each time I read about or meet someone who has survived their brain tumor. My sister was diagnosed at four months old, that was in 1993. She was 9 years old when they told my family she was tumor free. Please continue to share about your life! It is truly pleasing to read about.

Lynda said...

Thank You.